Strategy Clarity and Communication

Our intervention here is to help clients describe with true clarity what their strategy is, what the ideas are behind it, what the business drivers are which it deals with and how they can communicate all of this in a way that everybody in the organization can understand it.

We are not a McKinsey; we do not try to change strategy or to tell clients how to run the business (although sometimes greater clarity leads our clients to change elements of their strategy). What we do is help them clarify and communicate it so that we can facilitate the organizational changes and develop the leadership necessary to get it executed. When our clients come to developing their leadership, they get their money’s worth.

To do this we follow a simple process we have adapted from the world of coaching that:

  • Identifies the business drivers.
  • Describes with precision the strategy.
  • Clarifies the logic behind it and its fundamental purpose.
  • Designs a communication plan to get it out to every corner of the organization.

This process leads to great clarity and lays the groundwork for achieving the type of alignment that supports the execution of the strategy.

What I do



"Organisational change is only achieved through an integrated approach that includes the following elements.”

what i do strategic alignment coaching-follow up leadership programmes

Behind the three areas of Strategic Alignment, Leadership Programmes and Coaching/Follow-up, lie the five service lines: