1. The Ten Commandments Today I am writing the first of a series of posts that will run over the next twelve months, based on the book Speeches that changed the world. I will focus on what people who have to exercise leadership in today’s organizations can learn from history’s great speeches or declarations. The Bible [...]
Artículos etiquetados como 'Liderazgo'
Get information like Roosevelt did
18 julio 2013 · 0 Comentarios · Liderazgo
I have just finished reading a great book titled, Rendevous With Destiny, by Michael Fullilove. The book tells the story how Roosevelt thought out of the box in order to gain the knowledge he required to do what he needed to do. In 1940 with the fall of France Roosevelt knew that the survival of Western [...]
Getting The Gettysburg Effect
7 julio 2013 · 0 Comentarios · Liderazgo
This week, one hundred and fifty years ago the battle of Gettysburg raged on in Pennsylvania. The battle was important, perhaps marking the turning point of the war, but of more lasting importance was the speech President Lincoln made five months after the battle ended. What it was remarkable about the speech is how it [...]
How to avoid Politicking
30 junio 2013 · 0 Comentarios · Liderazgo
The recent change of leadership of the Labour Party in Australia ends three years of internal politicking. In that time, two elected Prime Ministers have been wrenched from power and much of the energy within the Labour Party was been diverted away from the primary task of governing the country and looking out for the [...]
How to lead like Federer
16 julio 2012 · 0 Comentarios · Liderazgo
A week ago I, like millions of others, celebrated Roger Federer’s latest achievement. What is it about this tennis player that makes him so popular? He has in fact won the ATP World Tour Fan’s favourite a record nine times straight between 2003 to 2011 and I have little doubt he will win this year’s [...]
Courageous Leadership
4 julio 2012 · 0 Comentarios · Liderazgo
I recently heard an interview on ABC radio with American author David Frum talking about his new book, “Patriots”. Frum was a speechwriter for George W Bush so you would expect his book to applaud recent Republican politics. Nothing could be further from the truth. His novel is a Satire on how the Republican Party [...]
How leaders can be objective
22 junio 2012 · 1 Comentario · Liderazgo
I am often rather disoriented when reading some of the comments about the future of the Euro. Firstly because a lot of people seem to want the Euro to collapse or even disappear, and secondly for the lack of objectivity. This lack of objectivity is dangerous for anyone who has to lead people, particularly so, [...]
¿Con cuántas personas puedes relacionarte?
16 noviembre 2011 · 2 Comentarios · Liderazgo
Hace un tiempo, leí un libro muy interesante escrito por Robin Dunbar en el que defiende un número máximo de personas con las que alguien puede mantener una relación estable. El número de Dunbar sitúa esa cifra en alrededor de 150. Según Dunbar, los seres humanos están psicológicamente limitados a esta cantidad de relaciones, con [...]
Cómo conseguir que los equipos funcionen
25 octubre 2011 · 0 Comentarios · Liderazgo
Recientemente he impartido un programa de liderazgo en Estocolmo en el que participaron personas de catorce países diferentes. Casi todos tenían que gestionar lo que denominamos “Equipos Remotos” en los que sus miembros están repartidos por todo el mundo. La actividad que realizamos requería que los participantes analizaran en profundidad aquello que mejor les funcionaba [...]
Cómo trabajar con diferentes culturas
20 octubre 2011 · 0 Comentarios · Cultura, Liderazgo
Recientemente fui a trabajar a Singapur, convirtiéndose éste en el país número 20 en el que he impartido mis programas de desarrollo de liderazgo. Sin embargo, no es necesario ir tan lejos para gestionar las diferencias culturales ya que en algunos de los cursos para Electrolux que hemos ofrecido en Estocolmo hemos tenido grupos de [...]